Custom blocks and crossreferencing
With this filter, you can define custom div classes (environments) that come with numbering, such as theorems, examples, exercises. The filter supports output formats pdf and html.
Feature 1.1: Numbering
Numbering is (currently) within section for single documents, or within chapter for books. Grouped classes share the same counter, and the same default style.
Numbered custom blocks can be cross-referenced with \ref
Default numbering can be switched off for the whole class by setting the numbered
to false, or for an individual block by adding the class unnumbered
Crossreferences my need a re-run to update.
Feature: Boxes can be nested
However, inner boxes are not numbered – it would be hard to put them in a sequence with outer boxes anyway.
Feature 1.2: Block box style
The default style for custom divs is
: a collapsible similar to quarto’s callouts, with a collapse button at the bottom that makes it easier collapse long boxes, and box open to the right. It comes with the variant
, with closed box and no additional close button. (needs a fix for the moment)
Done, may change 1.2: Custom list of blocks
files that contains a list of selected block classes, intermitted with headers from the document for easy customization and commenting. This way, one can make a list of all definitions, examples, or {theorems, propositions and lemmas} etc., edit it later and attach to the main document. If you edit, make sure to rename the autogenerated list first, otherwise it will get overwritten in the next run and all work is lost …
Currently, you need to give a key listin
for any class or group of classes that should appear in a list of things. The value of this key is an array of names, also if only one list is to be generated. These names are turned into files list-of-
. I am considering replacing the yaml interface by a sub-key to custom-numbered-classes
. This would allow to define arbitrary classes that can be attached to any custom div block, such as .important
Pseudomath examples
Definition 2.1: F\(\alpha\)ncybox
A box is called
f\(\alpha\)ncybox if it looks quite fancy.
In this context, by fancy we mean that the title of the box appears as a clickable button when rendered as html, where clickable implies that it throws a small shadow that becomes bigger when hovering over it.
Definition 2.2
A box is called
f\(\alpha\)ncybox if it looks quite fancy.
In this context, by fancy we mean that the title of the box appears as a clickable button when rendered as html, where clickable implies that it throws a small shadow that becomes bigger when hovering over it.
Corollary 2.3
By Definition
are fancyboxes.
Conjecture 2.4
Students are lured into clicking on the title and unfolding the fancybox.
Theorem 2.5
This extension has been written by a teacher who hopes that students read the course notes…
Theorem 2.5 is suggested by Conjecture 2.4, but it cannot be proven theoretically. It does give rise to more conjectures, though. 2.1
The teacher mentioned in Theorem
2.5 is a statistician who got addicted to quarto due to James J Balamuta’s web-r extension, and desparately wanted to have a common counter for theorem and alike. She got also convinced that everything is possible in quarto by the many nice extensions from Shafayet Khan Shafee.